Complaints Procedure
Octane Ltd are committed to providing high quality services to all our customers. However, we appreciate we may not always get it right. If a problem occurs, we strive to address complaints promptly and effectively.
The best way to contact us is to call or email us and we will try to resolve your complaint within 3 working days:
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 By telephone 01268 211611
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 By email to
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 By post to Octane Ltd, The Annexe, Unit 24, Imperial Park, Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS69RS
If we can resolve your complaint within 3 working days, we will send you written confirmation of this in the form of a summary resolution letter. Where we cannot resolve your complaint within three working days, we will send you a written acknowledgement so that you know we are investigation your concerns.
We will then undertake a full investigation to enable us to make an informed assessment of your complaint. We will keep you updated on our progress and contact you if we need to provide further information regarding the issues you have raised.
We will send you a final response within 8 weeks (unless your complaint relates to discretionary commission arrangements, see below), although we aim to get your complaint resolved well before this time. The final response will:
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 Let you know the outcome of the investigation
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 If appropriate, advise you of what we intend to do to rectify the problem
路聽聽聽聽聽聽 If we disagree with your complaint, clearly explain why
If we decide that you are not an eligible complainant, we will advise you of this promptly. This may be because your complaint is time barred which means the event happened more than 6 years ago, or it is more than 3 years since you should reasonably have been aware you had cause for complaint. There may be times where we need to refer part of all a complaint to a third party. Where this happens, we will aim to do so within 5 working days, obtaining your consent to do so, and providing contact details of the third party.
Complaints relating to Discretionary Commission Arrangements (DCA)
On 11 January 2024, the FCA announced temporary changes to the handling rules for motor finance complaints relating to DCA. These rules came into force on 11th January 2024. The usual 40 working day period (eight weeks) to investigate and respond to a formal complaint is now paused under these new rules for DCA complaints for 37 weeks beginning 11th January 2024 to 25th September 2024. If this applies to you, we will acknowledge your complaint and confirm that an investigation will be paused until 25th September 2024 unless the guidance from the FCA changes in the meantime, in which case we will contact you again.
After our investigation, if you are still unhappy with our response to your complaint, you can choose to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). They provide a free, independent service to help resolve complaints:
0800 032 8000
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
If you decide to refer your complaint after we have issued our final response, you should do so within 6 months of the date on our final response letter, or 15 months if your complaint refers to discretionary commission arrangements (DCA). Details of how to raise your concerns with the FOS will be included in our final response. Please note that for DCA complaints the six month time limit in the FOS leaflet does not apply
Please refer to for an explanation of the FCA鈥檚 reasons for the temporary changes in relation to discretionary commission arrangements.
All records will be kept for a period of six years.